"The Alexandria You are Losing" is a collection of short stories focusing on connections between the Arab world and the United States. The stories are both contemporary and set in the 1970s, following immigrants, travelers and lovers on their personal journeys, from the Sahara Desert and the sunbaked alleys and villas of Tripoli and Alexandria, to the vastness of Oklahoma and the frigid grip of a Wisconsin winter. In these tales, cultures bend and collide, but the characters endure, survive and always grow.
"The Alexandria You Are Losing" showcases a truly original voice and a brilliant imagination. Yasser El-Sayed captures with verve, surprise and insight what it is to be alive and human. Each story is a jewel, mounted by itself in a unique setting to capture its own light...."
—Abraham Verghese,
New York Times best selling author of "Cutting For Stone."